Friday, October 01, 2010

Monthly Q&A with Reza Pahlavi

Dear Prince of Persia,

It is the face of my character that I cannot hide, I really would like monarchy system and in my opinion it is suitable for Iran however it must base on Elected Parliament. As we don't know about you much, I have some questions:

1-Would you be a Shah of Iran, if Mr. Mirhussain Mousavi is the prime minister?

2-I am wondering, why during these years that you have settled in the USA you did not set up any community for helping people in Iran for moving forward to democracy or even set up a group for human right. You are in power at the USA more than other Iranians why you did not established any lobby in the USA government? If you did, please specify.

3-I know some people that they are fancy of you and monarchy system; unfortunately most of them are embarrassing. Honestly I know just Mr. Daryoush Homayoun that we can count on him as a political man. Would you please tell us, who are your political men if you came to power?

Yours Sincerely,
Rouzbeh Mousavi Bojnourdi